The 2024 Euros CPD Special

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The 2024 Euros CPD Special

£110.00 (Exc. VAT)
CPD Standards Office image

10 Courses for £110 plus up to *6 free courses

If you buy our 2024 Euros CPD Special Offer for £110, you can select 10 2024 courses/updates from the list below - PLUS a FREE Course for each time England and Scotland win a game in their Group Stage matches, AFTER your purchase. Relevant Group stage matches start on Wednesday 15th June and finish on Tuesday 25th June.

Please note - you will get up to *1 Free Course per win that occurs AFTER you make your purchase.

So, the sooner you purchase, the more courses you stand to win.

Instant CPD will contact you in early July to find out which extra 'Free' courses you would like, and we will add them to your account. 

As usual, all courses are presented by experts in their field, such as John Selwood, Guy Loveday, Peter Herbert & Ros Martin, with accompanying Notes, Power Point Slides and Certificates of Completion. Courses can be accessed until 31st December 2024, or indefinitely once completed.

Multi user discounts available.

All courses are accredited by the CPD Standards Office.

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